Business & Innovation
Xpert Circle – How I Can Get a Handle on the Triple Overload?
With the constant triple overload – data, communication, cognition – […]
Xpert Circle – R.I.P. New Work
Creating Spaces for a Shared Future
Mikroseminar KVG-Reform 2025
On 24 November 2024, the electorate voted on the EFAS proposal (uniform financing of outpatient and inpatient services in health insurance).
Xpert Circle – Bionic Organizations: Business Models of the future
The XpertCircle Bionic Organisations sheds light on how companies are shaping this new reality to meet dynamic market challenges and deliver outstanding customer experiences.
E-nova Mobility Experience
E-nova Mobility experience is a fair that shows the world of sustainable future mobility in its entire spectrum.
08. September 2024, 17:00
Microseminar on personal development (online)
Develop your presentation skills, learn professional storytelling or work on successfully resolving conflicts.
Xpert Circle – New Leadership Mindset: Leadership with passion
Leadership in transition: with transparency, passion and a focus on people. This event will provide you with valuable insights into the topic of leadership.
Free microseminars «Leadership and team organisation»
Regardless of whether you are new to a management role or have already gained management experience: Our free microseminars will give you new input for your everyday management and business life.
Financial Bites: Digital Legacy.
Our everyday lives today are characterised by digital media. In doing so, we leave behind digital traces. We answer the most important questions to ensure that your digital legacy is in safe hands for posterity and provide specific recommendations for action.
Financial Bites: Pension or Lump Sum?
Interesting free of charge event on the retirement planning and retirement assets.