The first neighborhood festival at Europaallee.
From the neighborhood for the neighborhood: On Friday, June 10 and Saturday, June 11, 2022, the first neighborhood festival will take place in Europaallee. The perfect opportunity to get to know Europaallee and the businesses in it better. And if you already know the neighborhood near Zurich’s main train station inside and out, there’s still a lot that’s new in the various program items: from brunch and food trucks to workshops and live music. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more details.
When & Where
June 10, 2022,16:00 to 00:00 and June 11, 2022, 10:00 to 00:00, all over Europaallee.
At the festival you can expect exclusive insights into the stores of Europaallee, live music and DJs, food trucks with a gastronomic offer from all over the world, the longest brunch table in Zurich on Saturday morning, program for children and families, workshops and special offers. You can find the detailed program below. Here is a selection of our highlights:
mad hairstyling
The hairdressing salon, which has been in business since 1992 and has several locations in Zurich, is “the home of good hair days”. Numerous stylists inspire their customers to make their own decisions – and give them the best possible advice. This is also the case at the Quartierfest in Europaallee: at the Styling Corner, summery braided hairstyles and shimmering makeups are created. The styling is accompanied by refreshing drinks and a selfie corner to immortalize the hairstyles.
Discover Google’s Swiss headquarters from the inside – that’s possible at the Quartierfest. Namely at the open day and the Google pop-up store. Various program items await you, such as the cinema screening “Trillions of Questions: A Look Behind Google Search” and the exhibition “Responsible Innovation Made in Switzerland” on Saturday.
VEG and the City
For them, green thumb is just a rumor: VEG and the City. The VEG and the City team brings organic gardening to the city – and to your balcony. At the neighborhood festival in Europaallee, various gardening skills can be discovered and learned. For example, by making Kokedama houseplants, Seed Bombs or your own personal herb salt.
Credit Suisse
At the neighborhood festival in Europaallee, everything revolves around football at Credit Suisse. Fun, games and the stars of the women’s national team and FC Zurich await young and old alike. As a special attraction, the FCZ championship trophy will be presented on Saturday. Get your personal autograph, take a selfie with the FCZ championship trophy and win football prizes.
Essen & Trinken
Bierwerk: Das Bierwerk Züri braut für das Quartierfest in der Europaallee eine Limited Edition. Am Samstagabend wird das Ausschenken des Quartierfest-Biers von Livemusik begleitet.
BRIDGE: Beim Food-Treffpunkt BRIDGE erwartet Sie ein vielfältiges Angebot: hausgemachte Würste auf dem Grill, Glaces und DJ’s.
Hiltl Sihlpost: Das Hiltl bei der Sihlpost serviert leckere Sommerdrinks und hausgemachtes Glacé auf dem Europaplatz. Am Samstagmorgen lohnt sich auch ein Besuch am grossen Brunch-Buffet.
Loft 5: Das Loft 5 serviert Getränke von der Aussenbar.
Smith & Smith: Die Wine Company Smith & Smith serviert Weine an der Weinbar auf dem Europaplatz.
SAY CHOCOLATE: Schokolade mit allen Sinnen erleben. Das ist möglich bei der Dessertbar und Lounge von SAY CHOCOLATE. Am Samstag findet zudem ein Cakepop-Workshop für Kinder statt. Und wenn Sie am liebsten Dessert zum Frühstück essen, dann kommen Sie am Samstag Morgen beim Brunch auf dem Europaplatz definitiv nicht zu kurz.
Starbucks: Für Kaffeeliebhaber und sonstige Interessierte: Starbucks bietet am Samstag alle zwei Stunden ein Coffee Tasting & Learning zu Themen wie Anbau-Regionen, Röstung und Aufbereitung von Kaffee an.
Vom Fass: In der Weinbar Gleis 51 kommen Sie in den Genuss des Vom-Fass-Sortiments. Direkt vor dem Geschäft wird zudem grilliert und es findet ein Schnüffelwettbewerb statt.
VITO: Bei Vito gibt es Pizzas am Laufmeter, Drinks und Verlosungen für alle. Ganz nach ihrem Motto: «Everyone can have a slice of the pie.»
Fashion & Design
Abito Allora – vintage couture: Organizes a secondhand flea market in the store.
Changemaker: DJ Rizzo, mocktails and tattoos: At Changemaker you can enjoy fine drinks, stick tattoos for big and small and take selfies in the photo box.
Closed: CLOSED serves ice cream from Gelateria Oro in front of the store (and anyone who buys something from CLOSED even gets the ice cream for free).
Die Macherei: Buy scented candles and collect donations. The Macherei is making a statement and collecting donations for Rainbow House by selling “hot air” scented candles as part of Pride Month. Join the celebration on Saturday,June 11, starting at 2 p.m.!
Fashnpie: Serving drinks at the aperitif in front of the store.
lesunja: The jewelry boutique will host a book vernissage on Friday evening, on the occasion of the published “Style Guide”. You can also benefit from a jewelry consultation and an aperitif with snacks and drinks.
mood store: Experience the mood store in a different way: with music, singing, dancing and personalized rings.
Oxblood: Looking for a new hat? You’ll find it at Oxblood. In the bar directly in front of the store you can enjoy music and various drinks as well as the “Oxblood Drink”. And if that’s not enough, you can test your muscles at the Hanging Man Contest.
PediPower: At PediPower, the pop-up of Scharfmacher, you can discover the world of barefoot shoes during a barefoot parkour.
REWORK: The team at REWORK prints and embroiders REWORK clothing and makes your own garments something new.
Scharfmacher: How does someone who has glasses actually see? At Scharfmacher you can expect a real experience about seeing as well as an aperitif and art by Zurich artist Daniel Cherbuin.
Tara Style: Long-term changes await you at Tara Style: at the piercing station, arm yourself for beautiful jewelry. A DJ as well as drinks and discounts accompany the event.
Vestibule: The Vestibule team serves drinks at the champagne bar and offers 15% off select pieces.
Wood Factory: At the Wood Factory, enjoy an aperitif and art by Marika Rosenius and her exhibition “Handle with care!”.
Beauty & Health
mad hairstyling: At mad hairstyling’s styling corner, young and old can reinvent themselves. Whether braided hairstyles or glitter makeup – everyone is welcome. After styling, memories can be captured in the selfie corner and prosecco, beer or rimuss can be enjoyed at the bar.
MANA Nutrition: Discover and try recipes with various superfoods, plant-based proteins and organic food at the Food Tasting.
Culture, education & more
Google: Google organizes workshops, an open day with the exhibition “Responsible Innovation made in Switzerland” and a cinema screening of “Trillions of Questions: A Look Behind Google Search” at Forum-Escher.
KOSMOS: Offers gastronomy at Lala Square, in the Bistro as well as in the Club and Forum. In addition to the cinema program, on Friday evening you can attend a reading followed by a party by Max Küng and Mario Scarton. On Saturday evening, Sabine Meyer and Felizitas Ambauen will speak on stage about their podcast Beziehungskosmos (already fully booked). Afterwards, you can celebrate the Tour de France with DJ Thomas Bohnet in the club.
Orell Füssli: Hosts readings and puzzles with kids: Visit the joke hour with Urs Heinz Aerni, Crime Parcours, Finki the little book finch hands out balloons
VEG and the City: Visit various workshops and learn new things about the world of plants: From herbal salt, to Kokedamas, to Seedballs.
Sport & Outdoor
Credit Suisse: Organisiert eine Fussball-Chilbi mit verschiedenen Attraktionen: Autogrammstunde mit dem Frauen-Nationalteam und dem FC Zürich, sowie Töggeli-Turnier und Verlosungen.
Ego Movement: Bei Ego Movement können Sie die Fahrt mit dem E-Bike gleich selbst ausprobieren. Wir wünschen eine gute Fahrt!
Lucky Punch: Der neue Mieter in der Europaallee zeigt sich von seiner starken Seite: Erkunden Sie Lucky Punch beim Pop-up-Box-Stand und diversen Verlosungen.
OCHSNER SPORT PRO: Führt beim Ochsner Sport Service-Bus kostenlose Bike-Checks durch und verlost Giveaways.