Finding balance: stress reduction for body and mind.

Open day 16.04.2024 at Helsana.

Tips for better time management and less stress. We are busy and rush from one commitment to the next, eat quickly – and there is little room for rest or enjoyment in our everyday lives. These tips will bring more serenity to your everyday life.


Be mindful.

When was the last time you did something for yourself? It’s better to consciously take time for ourselves instead of just passively scrolling through social media on our mobile phones.

  • Be creative – with handicrafts, cooking, painting, reading, writing.
  • Maintain social contacts with family and friends.
  • Take a walk in the countryside, do sport – exercise reduces stress hormones.


Rest while you sleep.

Good sleep regenerates body and mind. It makes us more resistant and resilient. Sleep generally contributes to better health. This makes good sleep hygiene all the more important. We can positively influence our sleep with simple tricks:

  • Build in evening rituals, for example, drink a cup of tea without distraction.
  • Sleep at a rather cool room temperature.
  • Keep a diary in the evening, write down circling thoughts.


Eat balanced.

A balanced diet is good overall – it promotes well-being. It’s not just about what and how much we eat, but also that we do it consciously. And: eating should also be fun. Three simple tips for a healthier diet:

  • Enjoy the variety of foods, eat unprocessed, seasonal foods wherever possible.
  • Make sure you eat a protein-rich diet – this will fill you up faster and keep you feeling full for longer.
  • Drink one to two litres of water or unsweetened tea a day.


Plan clever.

We chase after our to-dos – and at 24 hours, the day often feels too short. This quickly throws your own work-life balance out of kilter. Three tricks to prevent you from getting lost in your to-do lists:

  • Two-minute rule: If a task takes less than two minutes, complete it immediately. Small tasks should not accumulate.
  • Schedule fixed blocks of time for certain tasks, e.g. for focussed work, administrative tasks, errands.
  • Set priorities: Concentrate on what is important and urgent. Saying no is also part of it.


Open day at Helsana.

Mindfulness, time management or stress reduction: drop by Europaallee and find out more.


16. April 2024 | 11 am to 7 pm


  • 12 am to 1 pm: Presentation: What you need to know about stress
    Body-mind effects, physical stress, mental stress, the various levels of stress, the stress model simply explained.
  • 5 pm to 6 pm: Presentation: Modern time management
    Differentiation between leisure and work in times of home office & classic time management.


Lagerstrasse 44
8004 Zurich